Old Crushes, New Problems.

There's this guy I've known for a little over a year now. From the moment I met him, I knew I liked him. That doesn't happen a lot for me. But it did..with him. The problem was, when I met him he had a girlfriend. I got to know him a little more, which made me start liking him more, but as I got to know him I also got to know how much he loved his girlfriend.

Time went on, and I found myself running into him more and more, and thinking about him more and more. Than one day, my school had a little field trip to Six Flags for all the kids in advanced math and science. As it turns out, we both ended up going. That day, I ran into him so much that we just ended up hanging out.

By that time, I had just gotten out of a really long relationship and so had he. And believe me, we were both heart broken over it. But that day..that day we were so close. Every since that day, every time I saw him he would smile at me or flirt with me. Nothing happened though, and soon enough it was summer.

Over summer we stayed in touch. It was nice, but I wanted more. One day, I told him that. We talked about it for awhile. He told me that he liked me too. We tried to met up, but it never really worked out.

When school started the next year, I found out that he switched schools. Yeah, it upset me, but I guess you can say I 'moved on'. Then, after the 1st semester ended, he popped up in my 1st period. He had moved back.

Me being stupid, thought it would be okay cause it had been awhile and I was so over him. Stupid assumption. I still like him, a lot.

But yesterday, I talked to his ex. She really misses him. I can tell, he really misses her too. Or at least he misses what they used to be. But as I was talking to her, I started giving her advice to help them get back together.

After the fact I realized, "Kat, you're helping a girl get back with a guy that you like a lot. What the hell?"

But I couldn't stop. She kept telling me things, confiding in me. In the end, I offered to talk to him for her.

I really don't know what to do..
February 4th, 2011 at 03:22am