Oh, how I love Omegle. Younger children probably shouldn't read. :)

*I cencered it*

Stranger: hello
You: Hey
Stranger: asl?
You: 16 f us. You?
Stranger: horny male with a big c*ck
You: Oh... Is that nice to have?
Stranger: oh yeah im stroking it now
You: That's weird.
Stranger: whys that weird you dont play with yourself
You: I play, all the time. My favorite is mario brothers.
Stranger: with your p*ssy
You: Oh, my kitty's name is Bubba
Stranger: i bet its nice and tight
You: Bubba is a small cat..
Stranger: i bet ;-)
Stranger: how big are your boobs?
You: Do you like to play with your kitty?
Stranger: i have a cock
You: Cockroach? OH MY GOD. Ew
Stranger: no silly my dIck
Stranger: wanna see it
You: No, thanks. I'm sure it's pretty.
February 4th, 2011 at 08:30am