Cyclone's and Crazy girlfriends? I think so.

Well I haven’t posted a journal since who knows when, so I decided to get off my lazy arse and write one. I don’t particularly have a certain thing to whinge about today so I’ll probably just tell you a few things that I’ve been up to lately.

One, I got wiped out by that bitch Yasi. For those who don’t know what that is nor do I know if the television has broadcasted it to other country’s but Yasi was a cyclone that hit North Queensland Wednesday night / Thursday morning. It was a category 5 I believe you me; my entire yard and front glass doors were ruined. Tree’s a lying everywhere, bit’s of debris and roof is litter all over the streets AND my patio doors are reduced to splinters. The power was out for almost 48hours and then my BBQ decided to run out of gas, sad right? I’m not happy that I have to clean it all up over the next few days.

Two, I’ve got a busted lip from some snotty cow that came up to me accusing me of sleeping with her boyfriend who I’ve never seen in my life; now this chick was insane. I was minding my own business having a laugh with some mates and then wham she comes barrelling over like a steam train on crack and smacks my mouth; I thoroughly explained to her that I had no idea what she was on about and or I’d haven’t nor would I ever have sex with her boyfriend, who by the way was bald. It’s kind of a known fact that I don’t like guys with no hair, like even higher than the ears doesn’t cut it.

And thirdly, my eyeliner has done a run away and I am still unable to find him.

That is my week and it proper sucked, goodnight!
February 4th, 2011 at 01:22pm