A Few Humble Requests.


I am Leo_Head, however you may call me by my real name if it pleases you, that being Jeffrey. Now, I have a couple of requests I would like to make now that I am officially a "Mibbian". First, I would like to have someone a few good layouts for any of my future stories that I am currently working on. Now, I don't have anything specific in mind. In fact, should you take up on my offer, I will give you free creative reign over the layout of my future stories. All I ask is that, obviously, it keeps with the theme of my stories. I would also like a layout for my profile page. Now, I actually do have have a couple of requests in regards to this particular layout...

1. It must include a picture of my favorite band, Nightwish. It can be any picture, I don't care.

2. No REALLY bright or dark colors. I want it to be pleasing to the eyes.

Other than that, you're free to do as you wish. Now, I'd do all this myself, but...I don't know how to, and I still can't grasp it. Thanks for hearing me out and I look forward to any submissions. :]

And yes, I'm aware I only have the prologue to one story available, but hey, I have work and I'm in college. But trust me, I am working on it whenever I can along with a couple of other projects. I promise.
February 4th, 2011 at 07:21pm