Not Sure What To Do Anymore. PLEASE HELP

AHHHH......Where to start....hmmmm.... well i went to New Mexico for 2 in a half weeks just got home last night. I was so much fun there; but anyways while i was there i called me mom up and talked to her because i have not had my period for 3 months now. Anyways....before i called her she had no idea that i was no longer a virgin so of course she got upset with me about lying to her about it every time she asked. But she knows now so she should be happy right, well she's mad but not to mad.

That's not that worse part of this. the worst part is that tomorrow i get to take a pregnancy test to see if I'm pregnant or not. I am so hoping I'm not because my mom would flip out, but if i am i know what i am going to do.........i think.

My boyfriend said that he would stick around if it turns out that i am pregnant......even though he would not be the father of the baby. i don;t know if i should believe him about this or not because that's the same thing my father said to my mom about me and he didn't stick around at all; he didn't even show up to the hospital when my mom was in labor.

I don't know what to do or how to feel I'm so freaked out about everything right now. please help with comments if you have any ideas. Thanks
February 5th, 2011 at 04:18am