Hey weather, you wanna GTFO?

Anyone else who live in Australia put yo hands up! No, actually don't. Because if you are in Australia you will most likely know what it is like here, and you will probably smell, or have sweaty pits. I don't need to hear about that. Thanks guys.

No, I'm sorry. Heat makes me nasty. I live in Sydney, and I don't think you know how much i would LOVE to be in somewhere like England right now. Where it's nice, and cold, and will probably have a high chance of snow, and everyone you see wont have like, huge pit stains, or sweat marks on their backs. Yes, That IS how bad it is. at school on Friday, I think just about everyone in that school and pit stains or sweat marks on their backs. I saw a couple kids with nose bleeds, and like, one kid fainted. Today it was 41 degrees, well when I checked anyway. I have been sitting in my house ALL day because it was too hot to leave. I have my best friend here with me, and we have been in our swimmers all day doing anything to cool ourselves down. We have showered in cold water twice and sat in a cold bath tub. We were just raiding my kitchen cupboard to find something for dinner, we picked op a bag of chocolate chips. Guess who's gunna have a spoon with that tonight? Yeah, that's right. Us.

Obviously the weather is PMS-ing, because this sucks. I have been moving houses in this heat. Yeah, I know. I was sweating like a freaking donkey on heat. ...Inside thing. never mind.

I'm sorry for my ranting Mibbians, but this is too hot.

Beautiful people of Mibba, please tell me how you keep cool on too hot days.

kthanxbai - Caat; x
February 5th, 2011 at 08:29am