I think I lost my upper lip, but that's okay, because I create diagrams and art.

I was looking through older photos, just for the lulz, and then I looked at my upper lip. It used to be proportional to the bottom one, and now... it's like it's barely there. I honestly don't know how on earth that happened. Maybe it's the increasing weight loss I'm experiencing due to lack of money, and tons of school work/stress. I don't know. It's pretty scary, now that I think of it. It's no wonder why it feels weird to smile, and no wonder people keep looking at me funny.

I made a diagram about the de-evolution of my upper-lip:


Sorry it's all pixelated. Photobucket's resizing made it all funny :(

I know I shouldn't fret over a silly thing like this, but... Wow. I never knew lips could lose weight.


I'm bored. This is what happens when I have nothing to do, and the weather sucks.

Oh hey, while I'm at Photobucket, might as well show off my art work. DONE IN INK! I took a comic illustration course, and this was our "final test". (Not really, we just did this for the lulz).


I'm currently taking any requests for art work (because I need to occupy myself before I go crazy). It can be personal portraits, character designs, or illustrations. Just drop a comment, or PM me. Whatever works for you :}.
February 5th, 2011 at 09:49pm