I can't think about what i'm thinking.

I have no idea what to say.
My thoughts are so jumbled that I cant create a coherante thought.
Anything considered a thought is zooming around in my head, impossible to catch.
I'm trying to thinkk, about what I'm thinking about, and it's not working out so well.
My mother keeps suggesting medicine to take this state I'm in and make it better, but I doubt over-the-counter medicine could take my mind and put it straight.

I try and lay down, maybe "restart" my mind after sleep, but the thought of sleeping slips into my mind, adding to the chaos and just creating a bigger problem. So I sit, stare at the wall, possible make up shapes in my mind that are not there, but then I start thinking about different types of shapes, which bring my mind to school, and Geometry and Thats the last thing I need to think about,

School puts my mind on my Ap classes, mostly the one I'm failing and I think about how I plan on "not failing" so I can get good college credit and get in to the School I want. Then I think about My friends father who keeps telling Her and myself that going there is stupid and we shouldn't leave. Then I think about leaving and how sad it is going to be to not see my mother everyday,

And that brings my mind to my Friend who moved away and We don't see each other so much any more. And that makes me think of how me and one of my friends don't speak so much any more, and how happy he seems not talking to me. Then I think about how I don't talk to the person who my friend wants me to date, and how much I know he likes her, no matter what thet say. Then the thought that Valentines day is 9 days away, and I think about how much I HATE that day.

9 days; 9 weeks 1 day= my 17th birthday. Which then Ithink about how I know I won't get what I really want, all because my sister. My sister, my sisters new house, my mom giving her money, getting yelled at for asking for gas money, gas prices, my car, snow on my windsheild, the hand prints on my windhsheild, the person who made them, them, the people, the world, world languages, my spanish class, my spanish class project partner, silence...

the list goes on and on,
I simply cannot crack open my brain to pour them all out, because the computer would overlaod on amount of things to process, as I feel my brain is going to do any minute. I;m shaking at anticipation to get all this out, know knowing I won't, but I can hope.

Another thing to think about.
February 6th, 2011 at 02:58am