I can't sleep so I made a list of the possible causes

1. I woke up at 11:00 am

2. I saw The Rite hahah

3. I had iced soy chai at 2pm

4. I have a rough draft to write tomorrow

5. My mind won't shut off

6. It's hard to sleep without that certain someone next to me :'[

7. I feel like I have to do something productive before I officially end the day

8. I keep finding stories that I want to read haha

9. My eyes don't want to look away from the computer screen >:[

10. Silent Library Celebrity Edition is too funny to stop watching :3

11. Songs are getting stuck in my head

12. I don't want to have a nightmare

13. Sleep seems like a waste of time

14. I never dream what I want to dream about

15. Being completely vulnerable in a silent and dark house is kinda scary 0.0

16. All three of my cats are wide awake grrr

17. My legs keep fidgeting

18. My tricep in my left arm is twitching

19. I'm hungry

20. I don't want to sleep!!!

Blehhhhhhh it's 2:30 am and I don't even want to begin to think about when I'm actually going to wake up.
Uhg I just did >:[ ballzzzzzzzzz
Oh and if you can't fall asleep, like me, you should watch the All Time Low, Forever the Sickest Kids, and Hey Monday episodes of Silent Library on mtv.com. Serious entertainment, no joke :D
February 6th, 2011 at 11:36am