Who else is ready for it to be summer?


This cold weather sucks. I live in Arizona, so it's been a pretty calm winter. Actually, I think it started off as one of the warmest for us. But last week... it started getting windy, not to mention the temperature randomly just dropped. So when I woke up in the morning, it was in the 20s and the wind was going crazy.

I really hate being cold. And it's a major drag for me because since I live in Arizona, I don't have a lot of warm clothes. There's really no need for them. They get used for maybe three weeks and then they're pointless to own. So my hands and my face have been just numb this past week.

I miss wearing shorts, tank tops and sandals. I miss going swimming and getting a tan - which I'm really in need of one, by the way. My legs are so white they're practically neon. They could replace a fucking lighthouse and guide boats through the fog.

I'm just so ready for summer. Spring will be tolerable, I think. Better than this below freezing crap we've been having. No. Just no. It needs to go.


Anyone else ready for summer? Or do you like colder weather better?
February 7th, 2011 at 01:44am