The Life of a college athlete. =/

Sooooo.... Like most college students my life is uber full of mostly procrastinating, Unlike most I go to practice every f'ing day.

Anyways, now that that tiny introduction is out of the way I shall get on to the thing that's bothering me the most, DRUGS!!!!!!

SO just a minute ago I thought, ya know what, I'm gonna go back to stacking, for those of you who are not familiar with the term it means using lot's of performance enhancing drugs (legal of course) to give you a desired effect. I currently use a nice little cocktail of creatine, Nitrous oxide, protein and a mild testosterone booster. Which is all good and such until I realized I left them all at home!!! And of course being super broke I don't have the cash to go home for another TWO LONG WEEKS!!!! So I'm essentially going natural for those two weeks, which blows Johnson because simply put the energy level isn't where I need it to be.

Oh, and did I mention I tore my room apart looking for my drugs???? SO now I have a messy ass room, no drugs, and of course a dog hogging up like 90% of my bed. Yay!!!!!!!!

On a brighter note, I'm doing laundry tomorrow. =D Which means I get to go back to wearing my sexy clothes and stop looking like I'm trying to make a fashion statement by wearing a different pair of pajamas every day!!! WOOOO CLEAN CLOTHES!!!!
February 7th, 2011 at 09:09am