today he went away

so today was my friend jerrys court date and i went and testified that the man that he killed raped me. they lessened his sentence which made me happy but he is still going away for 6 years...thats such a long fucking time as soon as im 18 im going to go visit i left that court room crying my eyes out because i feel so guilty cause of this. i dont want him to rot away in jail i really care about this guy hes always been there for me and alot of my poems are about him. he said that he loved me today in that court room and that as soon as he got out he wanted to start a relationship with me why couldnt we of started one before he went away i have liked him for the longest time it is just so unfair....idk what to do anymore sorry just needed to get it all out there.
February 8th, 2011 at 01:53am