Isn't it great being assulted by an AP History text book?

Well, yes, the title pretty much explains itself...

Anyway, to where it all began...

In APUSH, my teacher deicided to give away some text books he didn't want, so I took one and stuff... yada yada yada.

ENGLISH comes around... and first, I didn't even notice my best friend walk in, and then second, when the hot guy came in, he like started attacking the guy who blocked his path, and of course, I stopped my sentence midway to watch, then resumed. xD

So then the teacher was calling us out to tell us our grades and stuff for the sememster, So, I leave, come back in totally not noticing that something is missing off of my desk. And then the guy like walked by and put my new AP history text book on my desk wondering why I hadn't noticed.

So then I'm talking with my best friend, and the guy one again takes it and my friend notifies me of the situation. So I get up, and of course I'm tired from a long day of paying attention in Math... which only lasted an hour and was at least 2 periods ago... so I walked, and while I made my way over to the other side, this guy I knew from middle school and then the guy who took my text book, cheesy, started making fun of the way I was walking. Since, I have to admit, I did look as if I was like drunk... xD So, I stood in front of cheesys desk waiting for my book, so then he left to go get his grade, then the guy behind him took the book and passed it to the guy I knew since middle school... and then they passed it back and forth...

until it landed in the hands of the hot guy. WHY GOD!? WHY!!!??? D:

So he wouldn't give it back to me so he stood up and held it above his head and stuff... and would tease me by like moving it down a little so that I could reach but then moving it back up... and to tell the truth, I wasn't really making an effort to get it.

Then he hit me.... in the head... with the AP History text book, which, should I mention was the teachers edition?

And like someone behind me was like "He didn't hit her, did he?" But everyone heard him hit me.

So I punched his arm.. not hard... but like...that kind of "i'm playing around now but if you don't give it back to me in like the next couple of seconds I will smash your skull in with some very hard object if not my fist..." type of punch...

then he got up on his desk and so that he could get higher, and he was awfully close to the ceiling tiles... I actually have no idea what he was trying to do... And then there was a teacher in the hallway who was like "I think your students are trying to hide something in the tiles".......................................................................................................f-ck.

So the guy was all like "Oh shit" and he pretended like nothing happened and I got my book back...

But in the end, my teacher ended up doing the student conferences in the classroom instead of outside of it.

Also, I'm beginning to think that maybe the kids in the class are bullying me... :/

But uh, quick question, anyone hear of Make out mountain? It was mentioned today in class when we were talking about the romantic era... xD And some of the responses as to what the class thought the romantic era was about:

two bears making a cub
candle lit dinners
Make out mountain
more sex
two people in a relationship

And those a just a few. xD But it was hilarious.

And then after lunch I kidnaped my friends baby. xD Wyell, the parenting class gave the students the flour babies and stuff, and he had his, and I was just going around the table holding the babies and stuff...then I was holding his, whose I have to say, had a very ugly looking head. So then we told him that he was trying to kill his baby since he had her wrapped up in 2 really hot blankets... so when he was adjusting them, we got a look at the babies arms... xD was... xD they looked awfully muscular. And then after wards, I got to hold the baby on the way back to class... and then once he asked me to give him his baby back, I ran down the hall with it and went into my classroom... so, yeah, I kidnapped my friends baby today. xD It was only for the best though since, she most likely would've died under his care.

Oh and then I get home and I'm like thinking of doing a nice photo shoot for my 365 day project that would involve hot chocolate. So I take the milk out of the fridge, and I notice something strange. a little bit of the milk is missing... like an amount that could be easily missed... and the top was easy to take off too.... and we just got the milk last week and my mom doesn't drink milk...and my brothers in college... :/

Uh, wtf? So hopefully it wasn't poisoned or anything since I ended up having a sip or two... D:

And uh, I guess that's it...
February 8th, 2011 at 10:03pm