Oh wow. I totally have to take you up on that offer! ;D

Or not.

But yes, tis my second entry since I totally forgot a couple of things in the last one but oh well! :D

Anyway.... Why the hell am I watching full metal panic!? D: CHEESY ENGLISH DUBBS!!! D: AHHHHH!!!

Any... MY GOD! KURTZ or what ever the hell his name is... SOUNDS JUST LIKE EDWARD ELRIC!!! :DDD

Ew. I thought I ditched anime for dramas.

No more getting off topic.

So, I was in class, and it was after I got in from the talk with the teacher about my grades. So next up in line was the hot guy. So he said of course that the people with the best grades would be going first... HA! But still. So then when he got back, I called him over, which well, I was sitting in the front of the room and he just walked in front so I just stopped him.

So I was like

"Hey, James, you owe me."

And I know he said something along the lines of how do I owe you... or something close to that...

And I was like something along the lines of "Well, I totally went grammar nazi on your paper, so surely that was what made it so that you passed."

so then we exchanged a few more statements... And then he was like

"I'm surprised I actually did it."

And I, "I'm surprised I actually went grammar nazi on your paper."

And so, you wanna know what he said to me a while later?

"Well, to pay you back, I'll give you a blow job. So, just call me when you want that blow job."

Or something awfully close to that.

I swear. That's what he said.

I was like on the floor (not literally since the floor is quite dirty) laughing my ass off (somewhat, but it was still hilarious).

I have to say though, that totally made my day... until he assaulted me with that text book.... But I think I'll get him back... off of school grounds... in a dark secluded heavily forested area... that no one can really find... >D

And no, I'm not going to murder him! Of course not... I'm just going to get a bit of revenge... and... not do anything else that would be within an inch of his life. ;) Sort of.

Oh! And wanna know what one of our vocab words for Vocab 8?


>w< -insert lots of immature giggling here-

Don't ask where I learned that... Since all I can say is... school.

But I texted him... and this is pretty much how our convo went...

Me: Hey...

Him: Who's this??

Me: The person you hit with a(n) ap history text book today. :P

Him: What's good

Me: Nothing much... just looking at colleges and prom dresses. You?

Him: Word that's what's up on just watching the expendables

Me: hmmm... never heard of that...what's it about?

Him: its a war movie

Me: That's... awfully descriptive. :P But eh. Have you seen blazing saddles? :D

Him: Naw it sounds like a movie about drugs tho lol

Me: well it is a bit racist, ok, maybe very racist, funny and kinda stupid. But its from the 70s. :)

Yeah... he still hasn't responded. But I have other stuff to do than just sit there and wait for his text! :D YEAH!

Like experimenting with the high shutter speed on my camera...

Or how he'd give me... a bj... since, last time I checked, I was lacking a vital piece to do that... xD

I don't know. But I still can't stop smiling about it.

But now, I must go check my grade in Japanese since on Sunday, it said I had an 88, but then on Monday, when I checked, it said I had a 61, even though the teacher didn't add or change any grades... D:
February 9th, 2011 at 02:13am