
Hallucinations... lets think about it for a moment... ever had one? not me. at least i hope :(

a. Perception of visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, or gustatory experiences without an external stimulus and with a compelling sense of their reality, usually resulting from a mental disorder or as a response to a drug.
b. The objects or events so perceived.
• A false or mistaken idea; a delusion.

I decided to tell you about my past before I tell you about my present. My mother was all I had. I had a step father but he was a trucker so he wasnt there that much. My mom and my dad met at a bar in Minnesota and hit it off. They split up before I was born but I still had every other weekend with him. He married a woman named Leann but theres not much to say about her. When Leann and my dad broke up my mom and him got back together. We lived happily ever after....... NOT

We lived happy for a while but my mom had soooo much wrong with her its scary. Not to mention she was Lactose Intolerent (for all you people who arent much good at big words that means shes allergic to cheese) and I absolutely ADORE cheese (i seriously would marry it if I could but that wouldnt work out so well as I woud eat it before the honeymoon) and it runs in the family XP she also had fribomisomethingorother that I can pronouce well but not write well. she also smoked alot. I loved her with all my heart but I still cant see how I lived with her all these years!!!!!!

One day, a long time ago (like 3 or 4 years... i have no clue) she started having hallucinations (see top for definition) she started thinking my dad was having an affair... I believed her at first. I hated my dad back then. Then she started thinking he was trying o make her go insane. I know your prabably saying.. WHAT?... im not kidding... she moved out with me in tow but it just got worse. I finally told my couciler that I had had enough and she contacted social services. Then just one day my dad picked me up for our usual wednesday night but we were going over the river and through the woods to grandmothers house. And that is were im living to this day. I still see my mother but she insists that there trying to kill her. She just gets on my nerves...
- The girl in the Background
February 9th, 2011 at 02:20am