Be Respectful in Church!

I have a problem. See, my friend and i have gotten into an argument with another friend. Basically the problem is my other friend is being all obnoxious. First, she always acts as if she is right. And if she is wrong she gets all upset and complains about us not understanding what she's talking about. Second, when my friend and i ask her for help, she's all like: "ugh, gosh you guys are so stupid, why can't you do it yourselves." But is she asks us for help we have to go out of our way to help her. It doesn't make sense. Have any advice?

An other thing happened, which is the total opposite of what i just wrote. My friend Carina and i are just hanging outside my house, when all of a sudden a random guy pops out of no where and yells: "Umbrellas! Umbrellas! Umbrellas!" My friend and i crack up, and the rest of the day we yelled umbrellas. It was hilarious.

Also, on sunday at church, we were just in the middle of mass when a lady starts talking to herself. I was freaked out. Then when people looked at her she told them off. I'm telling you now, she didn't say very nice things. The priest got so upset... And also, when we were in line to get the eucharist, a person was chewing GUM! Gum! In church! Can you believe that? At the end of the mass everyone had to say ten hail maries because of that sin. Jeez, people these days have no respect for the church.

Smile :)
February 10th, 2011 at 12:13am