Why are people so...dumb?

Today when I was riding the school bus home, this guy whips out a water bottle filled with weed, made a deal and then proceeded to smoke some. Which was probably the most intelligent thing you can do, ya know? I glared at him and then he was like "Hey, you're boyfriend is in rehab, right?"

I was so ready to punch that guy. Yes, my boyfriend is in rehab but I do not needed to be reminded that or that he is there for our 7 month anniversary and valentines day.

Mibba, I'm so lonely! :( I feel all by myself, all the time. I'm at work, and I'm buy myself. I'm at home, I'm by myself. I'm in school with a bunch of people around me but I still feel all by myself.

All I want is a hug from him on Vday. Or a kiss on our 7 month. This is unfair to me...I helped him stay clean for 3 whole months and he messes up one time and is sent to rehab?

I know this shouldn't be about me I just...I really wish it were so I could complain all day and not feel bad. I get to talk to him 7 minutes a night and it's the one thing I look forward to now.

At the soccer game last night this girl went mid field with a poster asking a guy to the dance and he completely ignored her. What a douche. Everybody KNEW he ignored her because he was playing! He rolled his eyes and ran to the other end of the field to avoid her some more.

I gotta say, I really don't like people asking others out in a really embarassing manner. Like my best friend she dressed up as a hobo with a sign asking a guy to Sadie Hawkins and he turned her down. I just think you should ask people out in a safe, controlled environment that should make the experience private and won't start rumors.

That's how I started dating Taylor...well we'd hooked up and not told ANYONE. And we stayed like that for...a week and then he asked me to be his girlfriend because he wanted to hold my hand at school haha.

I'm in writing work shop and I quite enjoy it. I talk to my teacher about Australia because I miss it like crazy and the flooding is ridiculous! Plus the brush fires that just happened...ayayai!

Anyways...questions anybody?

1. What's your current favorite thing to read? (Original fic, fanfic, short story, series)
I like original fictions. They just seem more realistic.
2. If you were to make a generic after-college-road/overseas-trip where would you go? I already plan to go to Hong Kong with my friend Catherine and live there for 3 months.
3. What is the dumbest thing you've seen someone do, EVER? I don't have an answer for this..maybe Alejandra...when she came to school wasted and barfed on a teacher...yeah that was funny.

Love you if you love me too :)
February 10th, 2011 at 02:42am