
So i've never written one of these before, and i'm not entirely sure what i'm supposed to do. i think i'll just wing it. :)
So, i was sitting in my apt. one evening and i got to thinkin. I'm seriously incredibly happy. i'm not in a relationship, i have a pretty sucky job, i live with a roommate that has a one year old daughter, i'm overweight and i honestly couldn't be happier. Well maybe if i was in a serious relationship ( =] ), and i could stand to lose a few pounds. i like knowing that at the moment i'm completely content with myself.
I have amazing friends. My best friend in the world is in an amazing relationship, which i seriously envy her for! even though she isn't happy with the way her body looks, i think it's suits her. If she wants to lose weight i support her completely, because she's amazing at everything she sets her mind too. We've been friends since the 8th grade and even though we lose touch here and there, we always know that the other will be there forever! She's told me she wants to name one of her future kids after me. i don't even know how to express how much that means to me. The guy she's with is good for her. She went from not wanting to get married, cause it's just a piece of paper, and not wanting kids, to being engaged and excited about having babies of her own in the future. She's been with me through so much and i have no idea how i would have ever made it, had it not been for her. i love this girl like no other.
My roommate keeps me entertained. From her daughter that i watch while she's at work, the fights she has with her boyfriend (who i seriously believe doesn't deserve her), and dedicated she is to her friends is awesome. Though, i pity anyone who get on her bad side, cause she will seriously beat some ass. Even though i've known her less than a year, i love her to death! Her daughter is one of the cutest little girls i've ever seen! she's so comical and only makes me want a kid of my own that much more! Living with them has been a good experience, and i wouldn't change it for anything. i love that when i haven't seen them for a few days, when they walk in the door, her daughter runs to me and hugs me. it only makes me wish that i have known her longer so i could have been there when her daughter was born. Of course, i'll be there for the next one whenever that may be.
One of the girls i work with is a bit of an inspiration, She was 17 when she got married. I honestly think thats too young but I'm happy for her all the same. She definitely brings out the country in me! we go horseback riding and fishing when we get the chance. She's amazing to talk to and is very insightful for her age. Her and her husband just had their first daughter and she is beautiful! I'm glad i was there for her birth and i plan on being in her life as long as they let me. I don't know how long that will last though, i'm a bit of a bad influence with my tattoos and piercings. :P
I have a friend that lives about two hours away, and she is one of the funniest people i know! i don't know her really well, and i haven't known her for long but she's become a permanent person in my life and i couldn't be happier. If i'm down about some thing i talk to her, and she cheers me up! She doesn't let what other people say (at least people she doesn't care about) get her down, and she can pull of any kind of fashion sense one could imagine, and she's not afraid to show it.
My best guy friend is in the Marines, he left in August, and it sucks the biggest balls one can imagine. i've known him since the eight grade as well and he's been there for me ever sense. i think he honestly knows more about my past then even my best girlfriend. We've grown pretty far apart these last few years, but he will kick anyones ass that hurts me and will talk me through any kind of problem. Through him i've met some amazing people, and even though i'm not very close to them, i still get excited when i see them after months of them being gone!
i have always been a big family person. i have my moms side in california and my stepdads side out here. I have two older sisters and two older brothers. I'm the youngest. i don't talk to to my oldest sister, she's done things to my mom that even i can't forgive. if you know me, then you know I'm a forgiving person to a certain point. i also don't talk to the middle brother, he's my stepdads son and we've just never really hit it off. My oldest sister has four kids, two boys two girls. It hurts that i don't see them, i try to make up for it by being with my friends kids. it's not the same but it's the best i can do. Both of my brothers have a son. The middle one i see maybe once a year around Christmas if I'm lucky.
My mom and my stepdad are divorced now and still stuck on each other like white on rice. it's pretty fuckin' annoying.
My mom is the most important person in my life. Since i moved out i spend weekends with her and if we don't talk at least every other day it makes us both worry.
My stepdad, is kind of really fuckin' dumb. since him and my mom split he goes to bars like he's, idk 30 or something. i don't care if he goes to bars, i care that he thinks he's Gods gift to women. He's not really attractive...at all. He rubs these "women" in my moms face and it's stupid. My siblings and i think he's stupid and my oldest brother finally told him that he doesn't want him dating all these hoes. My stepdad thought he was joking, he wasn't. even though he's stupid as shit right now, he's been there forever and i love him to death. Even though my family situation kind of sucks right now, someone else has a hell of a lot worse problems than me.

At the moment, i'm happy with how my life is going. I'm in school, i have amazing friends, i love my family, i have a job, and right now, i wouldn't change anything for the world.
February 10th, 2011 at 10:56pm