Notebook Nostalgia

Looking through some junk, I noticed an old partially used notepad and wondered why I still had it. Then I flipped through it and realized why. When my grandpa was in the hospital, he couldn't talk. So, he would try to write down what he wanted to say. A lot of his initial attempts are in that notebook. This makes me feel sad and nostalgic. I'm glad he is no longer in any pain and is, one way or another, at peace. But, I still miss him so much and there have been many times I wish I had the benefit of his advice and encouragement. He was also good at pointing out to me when I was being ridiculous or a bitch. Not to be mean, but just to draw it to my attention. Like, "hey, are you listening to yourself?" type of thing.
February 11th, 2011 at 01:41am