Orthodontics and a Rant.

Tomorrow, or technically, today, I'm getting a Herbst Appliance for my jaw. If you don't know what that is, it's going 'to correct the front-to-back relationship of the upper and lower jaws.'. And I am freaking. Like, I feel queasy. I feel like it's going to hurt a lot. And destroy my teeth.
It crowns four molars, and I've never been proud of my teeth-brushing skills.
And for the pain, well, messing with your mouth is a pain. Luckily, we have leftover LIQUID (because you can't swallow at times like these) pain medication from when I had my wisdom teeth out. The medicine makes me high, and I start to get way too aware of everything. When I first was taking it, I nearly yelled at a kid for messing with his pencil. Instead, I hit him.

The only funny thing I can think of of, is that you sometimes get a lisp. I'm not being mean, it's just that I have one. Not the regular 'lithp' but like this video that I don't feel like embedding. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5YqeJDMcAo&feature=related) It's not me, but it sounds like me, and it was posted on my birthday! :D

Anywhoo, what if it magically cures my lisps? Or I get a double-lisp? Weird.

I was actually told it was cute once. And then I never really had bullying. To my face. Behind my back, they were probably talking about it.

One time a kid didn't notice, and then he was like 'OMG, joo havs a lisp?' and I was like 'Dude, you didn't notice? I loves you!'

It was mean to put an 's' in lisp.

And, there.


You got a lithp? ^-^
February 11th, 2011 at 06:46am