
Sometimes I get really frustrated and I have no idea why? It just comes on all of a sudden.

Like today, I was fine for about half the day then something just clicked and I got really mad all of sudden. This doesn't happen to me very often. but when it does I get really annoyed and peed off with just about everything!

I might have something to do about this girl, she gets on my nerves so much! One minute shes all buddy-buddy with me, and then the next it's like I'm not even there. I'm just sick of her.

I'm not one of them people to just treat friends like that though, I honestly don't like hurting peoples feelings. But, I'm just getting so sick of her. She's so dense, I don't even thing she notices.

But, there are other times where nothing happens and I get like this.

Thanks for reading and putting up with my venting.
February 11th, 2011 at 07:44pm