I am an artist - judge me? Be harsh.

Hello there!

I'm Nikki. And I like to doodle. Well... draw. Paint too.

But it seems to me as though everyone I show my work to doesn't... know how to judge art... to say it simply. So I need people to tell me what they really think.

I want harsh comments if you find something that I need to improve on. I will never better myself unless I know what my weakness is. I promise I won't take offense, say exactly what you think and feel about it - and if you think it's good then say so! But please try to be ... professional (for lack of better words) when judging don't just be all: "I hate it." or "It's bad." Tell me what's bad about it. Like: "One eye's pupil is bigger than the other." or "Your lining around the waves is too dark." maybe even: "You need to blend his neck better."

So, with no further blahblahblah, I give you me three most recent drawings...:

Captain Jack Sparrow. My boyfriend drew the hair to the left of his face. But other than that it is all my work.


Pirate ship.

Okay so that's it! Comment below! I'm excited to hear your feedback. :)
February 12th, 2011 at 12:29am