I want to shoot myself. Back from teeth extracting...

As always, nothing in my life goes as planned. God doesn't like to make my day. I like to think he amuses himself by finding out ways to make my life just a tad bit more miserable.
What the dentist told me, was that they were going to inject a big ass needle(lack of a better term.) into the back of my mouth, and easily pull the tooth out. Unfortunately, although not surprisingly, it didn't go down like that. The wisdom tooth was so under developed that they had to chisel it out of my gum. After a couple shots they started to drill at the tooth, loosen it up, but, I could feel it. They shot me again, asking if I could feel a tingling in my tongue. They told me I shouldn't be able to feel my tongue or my bottom lip. I could feel my whole tongue, and most of my bottom lip. They then decided to shoot me a third time, even though, it absolutely did nothing at all. I spent the next hour and a half, trying to keep my cringing and fist clenches hidden.
Giving me multiple shots would not only further the process but, would keep making the dentist scold me, and nag me the whole time, saying things like, "You know I'm using sharp objects in your mouth, right?" and I'd have to say "Yes, but this hurts more than child labor." That'd make him laugh a bit, but still agitated.
The shots didn't work, and the dentist was an ass. Oh, and, just to top it off, after the dentist had said it was finally over, he said they'd have to take an X-ray, make sure everything was out of the gaping, bloody hole in my mouth. Come to find out, after even stitching up my gums, their was still a tooth fragment, deep within my gums, buried under raw flesh. The dentist cut the stitches, pulled out his weapons of teeth destruction, and went back to being wrist deep in my mouth, the crunching and grinding sensation returning again. Even with my music, it was still hard to not start crying.
Afterwords, when my mother and I were headed home, I couldn't help myself. I just broke down and cried. Mom was worried that I was in pain, but no. It was the thought of going through that three more times....
February 12th, 2011 at 02:01am