love, and a little incite behind it

I thought I would never be able to love any one, simply because I felt no one would want to love a girl like me, over weight, spastic and moody. I was wrong, any one in this world can be loved. You just have love your self first, at least a little bit. It never has to be 100% because that one person that means every thing to you can fill in the missing pieces. Not one person on the face of this earth is perfect. Every one has flaws, but thats the wonderful thing about each individaul, we are so much different from each other that when you love it's a different feeling for each person. You grow to love the others' flaws and faults until you connect on a level with them that no one other person can. I've been asked how do you know your in love? what's the meaning of love? ect. To me you know your in love when you would rather be in a million peices spread across the floor and know that they are happy and not suffering in the least. Your in love when you think of them and you space out and this goofy little grin spreads upon your face. To me those are little tell-tail signs.
Once upon a time I heard a myth that the human race was born already attached to there mate and the gods thought we became to powerful and split us apart gave us a body of our own and half of a heart set out on the world to find our soul mate.
February 12th, 2011 at 02:01am