In love with my bestfriend

Well the title says it all, i am in love with my bestfriend.
I came to that conclusion this year after 3 years of pining.
Our relationship started as mere strangers with the mutual friend as his brother thrn spiralled into friends the boyfriend ang girlfriend for 2months. Things didnt work out, back to square one. I loved through the years until last year i got 'over it. I jumped the wagon this year, wat a brilliant decision that was (note the sarcasm). Ive been with other guys but hes the one i want.
We been besties through thick and thin, fight rarely occur and wen they do they are big but are folled with a big makin up. Hes always there for me, he makes me laugh, smile, cry. i cant be without him but my feelings are foreign to him. He doesnt get it so ive stopped trying.
I still make jokes but i want to know what goes on in his head, behind those pretty black eyes.
He is 1 year older then me and leaves in May, i dont know if i should confess for the final time hopin our relationship differs or leave it and be stuck lonely for another year at my hellhole i call school.

There was this college guy( well hes in college now- 1st year) he was my primary best friends bro, the forbidden romance. didnt work out but i sure as hell thought i loved him with all my heart. ha. If its anything that college guy taught me to keep fighting for love because it can come back. sadly i wont be back with him though.

Valentines day is comin maybe a confession is to be made i dunno.

I hope i can sort it with my bestie and get rid of the college guy who loves me.
February 12th, 2011 at 03:02am