Considering writing a story involving this piece..

My blank plate scraped against the cold and dirty cement floor. It hadn't taken me long to eat the stale piece of bread and raw potato. Every night I regret each time I had thrown out a half eaten meal at home. I had truly taken it for granted. My mouth watered as I imagined the taste of my mother's home-cooked stew. At the time, I had hated it and refused to eat it. However, looking back now.. I'd do anything just to have it again.
I leaned my head back against the damp wall, the chains on my ankles chafing my skin. What I would give to be back at home, sitting on my bed listening to Taylor babble on about her social life through the phone.
The only sounds I would hear now are the distant dripping of water, and the footsteps of the gaurd outside my cage. He rarely acknowledged me, except when he was giving me my 'meals' (if you could call them that). Even then, it was merely a grunt and he wouldn't look me in the eyes.
It made me feel like I had some sort of disease. These past couple of days I had been treated terribly and looked upon with nothing but disgust. A truly humbling experience.
{Didn't proof read or spell check that yet, so sorry for any mistakes}
fffff. I don't know if I will cause I already have so many damn stories that I never make the time to update.
Not to mention the vast amount of unfinished stories on my mac..
I don't think I've actually ever finished a story.
Besides like.. Short stories. But even then, the ending is awkward.
I need to work on my endings.. And I need to get motivated to actually put forth the effort to update my stories, and not just let them sit there to rot. Does anyone have any suggestions for motivation? I pretty much lack any and all motiviation, as I'm usually found sitting on my bed or the couch either gaming or on the computer.. Or both.
I don't know how I'm going to become an author if I can't even find the motivation to write books that I'm letting people read for free. -.-
February 12th, 2011 at 08:15am