My Dream Diary

I suck at writing journals, mostly because I have no idea what to write. I could mention my story updates, but what fun is that for the reader? Life should be full of surprises, like giving birth. Who wants to know the sex of the child before it's born? Or like opening presents before Christmas.

So what should I write about? Well, I can go on about my website and how I sell products on it. But the thing is, I have no website. Not because I'm lazy (okay, well I am a little lazy), but mostly because I have no money to keep a site going nor do I have the time. I have my education and my job to worry about first.

I could possibly go on about how Patrick Stewart shouldn't have replaced the original William Shatner in Star Trek because Stewart cannot command a ship full of aliens like Shatner can. But I won't go on about it because 1) I don't watch Star Trek. I'm not that much of a nerd. And 2) I like Patrick Stewart more than Shatner.

Ooh! I could tell you about my personal life! Four score and 80 years ago, I didn't even exist as a sperm. And why would I want to tell you about my personal life? I don't know you. And besides, that's what my profile is for. (If you take a second to notice my life story isn't even on my profile).

So I don't know anything about you, and you don't know anything about me. That's how I like it. So I have developed an idea:

Why not tell everybody about my dreams?

That way I'm telling you a little bit about myself with a little fun.

WARNING: My dreams can be a little messed up.
February 13th, 2011 at 02:40am