new laptop!

So it was recently my birthday, and right when I fixed things up with the boy from my last journal entry, my life went to hell AGAIN. Well, I got a laptop though, so now I write a bit more. Not a lot, but now that I've figured out where Flight of a Dragon is going, hopefully more.

School is back to normal. I've adjusted to my work load and gotten some great destressers, like my recent read, Kiss by Ted Dekker and some other girl. FREAKING AMAZING. All I can say.

But I still have some drama to work through, nothing that will affect my story writing I hope.

Now on to the real problem. So I just finished the latest chapter of Flight of a Dragon and I was thinking to myself, the title no longer fits, and is redundant, as was pointed out. So I came up with the best title ever, but then, being the Canadian I am, I totally got distracted by hockey and forgot it. How horrible right!? Well... it was something like Wing's of Flight, but that doesn't sound right. Wings was in it for sure... Might have been that one. I dunno. I'm still working on it.

Anyways, it's going to be great. All you readers who took my advice and read my journal, thanks! Feel free to message me, I don't really do much, just stare at word hoping to have some great revelation, like Airia's at the end of Chapter 7. How'd you like her point of view? I personally love viewing life through her wise eyes.

Please don't abandon my story, I'm working really hard to get it to work. REALLY HARD. I've noticed I have 5 subscribers but only 4 readers last chapter, one of which was PROBABLY me. Anyways, don't give up on me. I'm working. Now my laptop wants to die. Message me people! I want to know your opinion!
February 13th, 2011 at 03:28am