Birthdays, crushes, and teenage drama! :]

All of those things listed in the title are things we have, go through, and we just plain know about. So yeah, thankss for reading as I kind of happily rant?? (:

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BIRTHDAYS. We all have them, I mean everyone seriously does! But todays someone special's birthday; my mother!!

Mothers are the base of our lives, we should appreciate them a lot more!! What? Nahh. xD Today's the day of teasing, like I wished my mom a Happy 50th on Facebook! Hah, but enough about my OLD mother (hehe).

CRUSHES. Oh god, mostly everyone at some point in time has an attraction to someone. I mean it could be a celebrity or the person next door, you never know!

But there's always something so cheesy about crushes! *bluuuush* I mean, so what that I like someone?! Or that everyone says it' so obvious that we like eachother..GAHH. SOO GAYY!! :P Don't you have a crush as well?

TEENAGE DRAMA. God, so scary. From best friends to popular bitches, someone always has some sorta drama! Mine? Ehh, I dunno. People say I'm so like "in the clouds" and I don't really worry about much...?

But I guess at some points I feel SUPER stressed out. Like when I haven't even started a project and it's due the next day OR when my parent's divorced....But yeah, what do I have to complain about??

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Well that was just kind of a rant/nothing from me. I'm not sure, but what if I put on like a modified diary on here? Like of my life??! Not that I think you're interested in my life...JUST SAYING! :D

Well comment on what you think about the diary idea, and itsmebitches is signing off!! :]
February 13th, 2011 at 09:29pm