its been 2 years...

Since she died...

Its really sad to just look back on it all ad regret how much time i wish i could've spent with her before she did die...

But really what has been bothering me... more than that is just something that I need to say, and I don't want to sound like a horrible person by saying this either... but I do need to say it so that I can just forget about the past and not have it bother me...

But I guess shortly after my friend, her brother and her mom died, I wrote this thing pretty much saying that I liked her brother... But now that I look back on it, maybe I just felt really horrible at the time and my feelings got the better of me, but I... just don't and never did... like him in that sort of way, you know?

Like, he was a good person and all, but not a person that I'd... come to like...

And I guess that's really all I needed to say. And I do somewhat feel horrible about saying that, but yeah...

On another note, me and my friend in my APUSH class were talking about how that whole thing with the Lincoln and Kennedy assassination is like one huge conspiracy theory because the people in the future used a time machine and what not and used precise calculations thus explaining why they both seem so similar.

And now that I read it again, that didn't make much sense... :/

But I also learned something new too.

Never do someone elses homework for them.

I stayed up until 12:30am doing the guys english vocab sentences for him because he said "Just do 2 :)"

I don't care if the guy is hot or not. I should've never done it.

But when he came into english, he was so happy and he like totally pushed my desk and made it cash into the other one (idk how to describe his action) but yeah. He was awfully happy.

Then during the vocab test, he kept on attacking me... D;

And then on the way to lunch, I punched him, he tripped me, I punched him again, he tripped me again, I punched him once again, and then he kicked me. :/ And then after lunch, I elbowed him in the back, and he threatened to backhand me.

Which, I sort of wish he did so that I'd totally have a reason to hate him and not like him. :/

But the moral of the story: Don't attack me unless you want me to keep on attacking you. :/

And then during 6th I sent him a text pretty much telling him to think of a way to pay me back so that I would stop attacking him out of anger from lack of sleep.

And yeah, that's pretty much it. :/

But cuddles.... WHY CUDDLES!!! WHY???? D;

Yeah, I saw the roommate yesterday. I don't want a roommate anymore. That movie was more creepy than it was scary. D;

But yeah... I need to go to my lab activities for my Japanese class then find something else to do... D;
February 14th, 2011 at 12:17am