That horrifying moment in a young girl's life when she walks downstairs to find her 20 year old brother and her father watching Justin Bieber on TV.

Damn the Grammy Awards for giving me a heart attack! What's worse is they just sat there and watched it, they could've changed the channel, but no. No, that would require some effort. Gahhh, boys will be boys.

Anyway, you know what I've realized about myself? I'm like the biggest Tumblr virgin ever! I finally get a facebook and now everyone has a tumblr and I'm just like


I still don't even really get what a tumblr does, how it works, or why I could possibly want one! I'm not trying to diss it or anything, I'm just so confused. I DO NOT COMPREHEND! Why do I have to be such a stereotypical blonde sometimes?


So yeah, this journal is mainly me being stupid and blonde and not understanding tumblr. Someone care to explain? Help a sista out?


Love always,

I think my journals are getting progressively more pointless, wouldn't you say?
February 14th, 2011 at 04:16am