Criss Angel

Alrighty, so I've seen a couple Criss Angel stories, and I absolutely love this guy. He's amazing and does NOT look even close to being 39 years old. I desperately want to go to one of his shows where he does his illusions/stunts. On top of his amazingness, he's beautiful; everything about him is beautiful!! You should really watch his show on A&E if you've never seen it. It's on on Tuesdays at like..9:00 central time. Just this Tuesday he walked on screwdriver heads with broken glass underneath him and then he vanished himself and a car going 100 mph. He's also stopped his pulse in 5 different parts of his body, layed on broken glass and run over by a steamroller, disappeared from his bike while jumping it, caught a bullet in his mouth, made an elephant disappear in the 2nd season and he's going to be bringing that back next week I think(it's now the 3rd season). He drove a car blindfolded, drove his motorcycle through a chain of people without hitting anyone, he had Carrot Top hide behind 1 of 3 frames with paper stuff infront so he couldn't see him and almost his him once, but picked him up just inches before he would have hit him and stuff. He levitates and I realize that this stuff is just an illusion and whatnot, but he's still wickedly awesome, him and My Chemical Romance are my favorite!!
June 21st, 2007 at 09:50pm