I tried to help my friend and I got a volleyball in the face and a "f*ck you." | Baftas & the Grammys


Something happened and my friend got really upset and was crying in the middle of the volleyball game we were playing. So I go over and try to help her and she gets all irritated and starts yelling at me and my other friend.

I know her really well so I know that's just how she is, but it was still kinda hurtful since I was trying to be nice. I said to her, "I hope you feel better" and she's like "Fuck you" and then I get hit in the face with a volleyball. Then she said everyone on her team was two faced.

Great. Today's just in general a bad day.

skjdnks. I have strep but my mom won't let me stay home. Gah.

Anyway, how are you all, how's your day been?

So both and Andrew and Jesse lost at the Baftas last night :c I read spoilers on Tumblr while simultaneously watching them and got all upset. I kinda figured Jesse would lose to Colin Firth, since this is the Baftas and everything, but I really think he has a chance at the Oscars. Andrew was nominated for Best Supporting Actor and Best New Actor (or something like that). I felt bad that he didn't win in both categories he was nominated in :3 Aaron Sorkin won for Best Adapted Screenplay and David Fincher for Best Director, so everything was ok in the hood.

Who watched the Grammys last night? I was crying on the inside over my babbies loses/distracted by the greatness that is the jewnicorn fandom on Tumblr and missed it. Gabbie told me The Black Keys won for something or other, and she loves them so ~excitement.~
February 14th, 2011 at 05:45pm