I spent Valentine's Day being Investigated.

So this Guy I know asked me if he could borrow my PS3 and two games for $20 and I said "Sure"
I needed the money at the time.

I knew this guy well, I trusted the f-cker.
He I had called the bastard constantly and he wouldn't answer.
I lost my patience with this guy so I go to his house, and what do you know?
Him and his f-ckin' mom pawned my PS3 for $150; games included.

I was gonna sue them.
Then his b-tch of a mom calls the cops and makes a report, that me, my friend and her son smoke pot.
"Oh, well I'll be honest my son also gets involved in that"
STFU, you knew well. He's in juvie, they'll just give him more time.
Me and sunshine are the only ones getting f-cked.
I almost got arrested AGAIN T.T

This afternoon I had the loveliest time peeing into a cup so they make sure I'm drug-free and having the most delightful converstation with a detective.
For the past two weeks I've been peeing like a motherf-cker...So hopefully I am okay.

At school I got candy and junk, but for every candy I got ;I gave one...
First I got a lolipop heart, then some girl gave me a chocolate, I gave her the lolipop...See the flow...

So that was my valentine's day.
How was yours?
-Sincerly Andrew
February 15th, 2011 at 04:27am