formspring; evil bitch.

so you guys probably know about "Formspring" and i swear even the most loved people get abuse over it.
pathetic right?
cos' who in their right minds would create a site, where you can be anonymous - AND ask or say whatever you want?
cyber bullying is illegal, isn't it?

when i signed into my formspring, i had 22 questions; just that day.
of course, i was like WHAT THE FUCK?

it was alllll abuse.
you may think, hey she probably derserved it.
but seriously, no one derserves abuse.

i reckon, that they are idiots the creators.
and the people who are the abusers are probably really pathetic anyway, but still its not right.

for the whole day i had felt so down on myself throughout school, just because of some little "posts" on formspring.
i know it shouldn't be taken seriosuly, but after things are said over and over - your brain begins to believe it.

no one wants to believe they're a "slut" or a "rat".
and really, these people need new insults.

i'm just saying, formsrping is and evil dog.
February 15th, 2011 at 04:50am