
Friends are supposed to be there but it is too hard to always be there when you have too many problems of your own. Friends help you and hurt you just like a mother loves you but has to punish you for what you did wrong and it sounds like they don’t care but they do no matter what. When the world is at its worst friends are there and yet again help you through it. As today has been I think of how friendships will die and you will gain new friendships. I lost a friend not that long ago and I thought he was the best he was kind, considerate, loving, but I was wrong he just wanted something his ex didn’t give him and I almost did but luckily I stopped and he fought but I knew I would win. And then people started talking and even though it would die down he wanted ME to stop it. I couldn’t and lost his friendship. I was a wreck but now as I look back he just caused everything I hate drama and stress. Friends are people who know you and love you for you not your body or anything so look at your friends and think about how they act what they do and take a stand for what is right.
February 15th, 2011 at 02:29pm