Writer's Block...

I have it...Well, it's more like I know what I want to write, and I know where I want my stories to go, but I can't make myself get there, let alone sit and write it out--I still consider that writer's block... I'm slowly working my way through chapter five of Laugh With the Sinners; Cry with the Saints (which I've been working on since I updated on January 17--yes I went to look). What's even worse, I have ideas for a sequel, and I'm not even ten chapters into the first one.

Plus, my obsession with Glee has been bugging me to write in that fandom, and all of these ideas for original fiction keep crowding my thinking space. It's driving me crazy...

I have so many stories started on my laptop that I've written a chapter of, and forgotten about it or lost interest in. For once in my life I'd really just like to finish something.


A. I need help getting over this writer's block. Anyone have any Ideas? And...

B. If I actually put up a Glee or original piece would anyone read it? I'd probably only update when my Draco muse has left...

Ugh...That's all I suppose.

OH! The Zoo Atlanta has a new panda cub, and it's name is Po. Jack Black was there at the ceremony to introduce the panda. I really wished I knew about this before hand, because panda's are awesome, and so is Jack Black.

Now I'm really done.
February 16th, 2011 at 01:04am