
Okay, so there's this guy at Uni who is REALLY cute....we've met quite a few times...well at his house party. He seems like a really really nice guy; he said he liked disney movies, which was kinda cute :)

I like him and it's really annoying the hell out of me because I know that he would probably never like a girl like myself, and he's a guy who's quite popular with the girls, so quite a few girls like him. They'd also be more willing to have sex with him too... I doubt he's the kind of guy to wait a long time for a girl...or maybe he is. ARGH this is grinding my gears now. I need to stop liking him, even if he's nice and has a really cute smile... :(

why sex is so important to guys in a relationship? I think I need a guy's opinion on this ...what's wrong with a few months of getting to know each other WITHOUT having sex? It seems everywhere I go, all boys seem to be interested in is sex. It's a little bit depressing because now I feel like there is something wrong with me, and am automatically unappealing because I'd rather have a conversation, than sleep with a guy.

Boys are confusing.
February 16th, 2011 at 01:18am