Stupid teachers suck.

So, I've got this English teacher that is a total b*tch. In the 6 months I have had her i have read 2 books and written no papers. We've watched 4 movies. She's incredibly biased and continuously tells me I'm wrong. She favors one of my friends and made him win POL (not that i wanted to...but I probably shouldve). When were discussing in class (whether it be space, ADD, biology, the time she spent in other countries, etc, or something actually related to english) Ill have my hand raised to say something (as will like 2 other people) and shell call on him...I wouldnt mind so much but its not as it theres a lull in the conversation and we need someone to keep us going...obviously we had something to say and Joe (my friend) doesnt.

The other day in class I decided (as well as everyone but one person) that I wouldnt say anything. She got frustrated (totally our point :D) and started blaming our "bad mood" on what happened in Biology. WTF does Bio have to do with English? Besides absolutely NOTHING. Not only that, but Biology is one of my favorite classes AND my mother teaches it. So....I have no idea what she was thinking....very offensive to me.

AND then she called on someone else, and when she wouldnt answer, our teacher told her to "stop being stupid and use your brain". What teacher says that to their students? I so should've walked out.

GRR!!! She makes me so mad...she was promoted to the Head of the English Department. That makes no sense to me. Ask anyone who has had Ms. B (different English teacher) and they will say shes the best by far. Ms Reese (teacher that I hate) doesnt even have a freaking degree in English! She has a degree in Philosophy. PHILOSOPHY. Basically she gets all the extra benefits for being the worst teacher I have ever had.

Im going to our head of school (what we call our principal) tomorrow during study hall and complaining....
February 16th, 2011 at 05:29am