Blessthefall Mike.

Talk about the worst news to wake up too.

I can't believe Mike has left Blessthefall. It's really quite heartbreaking. I love Blessthefall so much, sort of a die hard fan. I've grown up listening to they're music, new and old. Seeing one of the members that I love so much leave is very upsetting.

I read they're myspace blog about why he is leaving and it just says he's going on a new path. I fully respect what he is doing and I'm so glad he didn't leave them on bad terms.
It's nice to know they're friend, Elliott Gruenberg, will fill in for Mike on the tour dates.

I'm sure as hell going to miss Mike, and I don't think BTF will ever be the same without him. But, I'm pretty sure they'll still be amazing as they were with him in the band.

I think I picked up on him leaving when they did a demo and posted it on youtube, he wasn't there and I think that is what got people asking questions.

This doesn't change my view on Mike or Blessthefall though. My heart still goes with both of them. I wish Mike the best in what he does next.

I'll always remain a Blessthefall fan. Till the end, Witness

- - - - - - - x

I have to put this somewhere. I needed to write something about it and so here it is!
I Hope blessthefall and Mike the best, <3.
February 16th, 2011 at 05:31pm