Boy Trouble D:

okay so there's this boy I like. At first it was just, "oh hey he's cute" about a year ago but now I'm starting to think about more than that. Well, I need help because he's a Senior and I'm a Sophomore and we don't really have any friends in common. I know he notices me because he always looks and me, and I'm trying to give him a hint by looking at him. The only problem I have is I can't make the first move, sure I can talk to guys but I'm nervous how to just start talking to him. I don't really know what to do. I don't expect you to judge me and say 'omgg just talk to him' it's not that easy for me... but I guess I'm just venting. I feel bad because on facebook he was talking to his friend and it said 'i don't think any girls really like me' and i just feel like omgggg i like you just see! I'd really like to know what to do though, like advice you guys have or experiences similar to mine.
Thanks :)
February 16th, 2011 at 11:24pm