Teachers on Strike Across Wisconsin.


I'm Nikki, and I live in Wisconsin where a pretty historical event has been going down all week that effects our state works to the point where they're losing $5 an hour! THAT'S A LOT OF MONEY! And they're getting rid of our unions. Not cool dude, not cool.

Who's to blame? Our lovely new Republican Governor Scott Walker.

He's been in office for 6 weeks and he already has Wisconsin talking about rioting. He's not being voted for again.

So the reason I have time to type this little journal entery is because my school has cancelled school - maybe even for the rest of the week. Why? Because they're on strike, wearing the color red proudly waving signs that read: "STOP THE ATTACK ON OUR WORKER RIGHTS!", "STOP THE UNION BUSTING!" and "CARE FOR OUR EDUCATORS LIKE THEY CARE FOR YOUR CHILDREN!"

Also in school yesterday we were watching news shows that updated us on the rally in practically all classes and there was a soldier who said: "I was gone for two years fighting a dictator across seas, I come home and I find myself fighting a dictator in Wisconsin."

Roar Scott Walker sucks.

If I could drive I would be there supporting my teachers. >:(
February 17th, 2011 at 04:49pm