New tattoo<3.

First, I'd like to say thank you to everyone who commented and helped me in my last entry, you were all very helpful and gave me useful tips.

So I got my tattoo, it took about 45 minutes to do. It hurt quite bad, some bits were more sore than others, but it was definitely not as sore as I had expected it to be. I'm happy with how it turned out and hopefully if I look after it well it will continue to look good for a longgg time. After my experience, I am deifnitely going to get more tattoo's in the future.

I came up with the quote myself, I didn't want to copy anyone. The words mean a lot to me, and will remind me to never let anyone else tell me how to live my life. I will make my own decisions, and my own mistakes. I think everyone should be able to live the life they want.

I would love to know what you guys think of it<3? Good and bad stuff.

It says;
Life is too short. It's important to have a new experience and make the most of life. Live life to the full and have no regrets. Live life the way you want to live it and don't let anyone tell you different.



Again, i'd just like to thank everyone for the great advice. I will definitely use it<3!
February 17th, 2011 at 08:00pm