Day 1.

So, I'm gonna start a daily journal of my life, for a year starting from now. I'm gonna stick this and complete something for once in my life.

So, starting at Day 1-17/2/11

It's a normal day really, nothing that interesting. My cat weed on my sisters coat, same old same old. My mum went mad at my cat, nothing new there.
I think there's something wrong with my cat, Noodles. We took him vets before, that didn't do much though. My mum is thinking of getting rid of him. Something I don't want to happen. Noddles is family, I can't let anything happen to him!

What else then? I drew my first picture of Brendon Urie! and if I don't say so myself, it's quite good :D In note of Brendon Urie, I think I'm gonna pre-order the new Panic! At The Disco album. I love them, and listening to Mona Lisa, you can tell the album's gonna rock!

I'm seeing My Chemical Romance on Saturday! excuse my fan-girlness, but I'm 'SUPER EXCITED!'. I went and brought Red hair dye today, It's a wash in wash out one, but my god is it red!

Something about School then-It's been a good day at school. I had all the easy lesson's today, I scripted out some fanfic's in my spare time. They'll looking pretty good. I break up tomorrow! Happy days, I can't wait to have a week's lie in. I get up at 7am every week day. It kills me.

I saw on AOL that there was a ad about coke causing Cancer? No offense towards the people who believe this but-What the hell?! They say anything causes cancer these days. I'm all for finding a cure and that, but somethings are plain annoying. I do my bit like everyone else, running the race for life, shizz like that. It's all good.

Well, day one of my first blog is completed! I'll see you tomorrow then.
February 17th, 2011 at 08:09pm