Pregnancy. Warning: Very Long.

I should have started this when I first found out I was pregnant instead of waiting for so long. But I didn't, and now I'm doing it. I'll talk about everything that's gone on during my pregnancy so far. You don't have to read, I just want to post it!

I am currently twenty-eight weeks and two days along. Only eleven weeks and five days to go; eighty-two days! Before pregnancy, I was 105lbs. Now, I weigh 146lbs! Wow!

Near the beginning of September 2010 (between the 5th and the 11th), I took a home pregnancy test do to me having the symptoms; sore boobs, missed period (a little over a week late), fatigue. No nausea thank god. It came out positive. My mom and I had bought the test from the Dollar Store, and she was comforting after I found out I was pregnant. She let me cry on her shoulder and told me it was going to be okay. I didn't cry out of sadness, just out of shock and happiness. I wasn't trying to get pregnant, with me only being seventeen, but I had a bit of baby fever, so I was honestly excited, but scared at the same time. Then I called Josh, the daddy, and told him I was. He wasn't as shocked, he was happy but scared, like me. But he took it very well and got used to the idea of being a daddy right away!

I had my first ultrasound/doctors appointment October 15th. My mom took me and Josh, and all together we saw mine and Josh's little peanut (at the time)! Peanut was very healthy and we saw the heart beating. I cried even harder! I got my blood drawn afterwards, I was weighed; at least 107lbs. I was ten weeks and two days pregnant!

On October 23rd, Josh and I were at our good friend Eric's house, hanging out with him and a few of our other friends. For the past few days, we had been arguing a bit. I don't remember what we argued about that night, but it resulted in Josh going outside while I stayed inside and watched home movies of Eric with the others. He was out there for a few hours. I was trying to make it so he would come and apologize to me instead of the other way around, but I ended up going out there so we could talk. Voices were raised a bit (for the first time ever), I cried a little, and we made up. And then suddenly, Josh drops down on one knee. At first I was clueless, but when Josh told me how much he loves me and how he wants to be with me the rest of his life, I got an idea. Then he asked me to marry him. I immediately burst into tears and told him yes while we hugged and kissed. There is still no ring yet, but I could honestly careless. I'm marrying the love of my life! We were together one year and four months, and I was eleven weeks and three days pregnant.

On October 28th, I went to my second ultrasound/doctors appointment. My grandma took me this time, since my mom had work. Josh couldn't make it unfortunately. I heard my little ones heartbeat! It was fast, healthy, and I teared up! I had to get checked 'down there' for STD's, and after that my I was taken to the ultrasound room, after getting my grandma, and I saw my Peanut! Peanut grew arms and legs and was jumping around! After that, I was weighed (don't remember the weight) and I had my blood drawn again, though it was my choice to have it done. It was to check for down syndrome, so of course I was going to be brave and get my blood drawn! I was twelve weeks and one day pregnant!

November 3rd I hit the second trimester! I was thirteen weeks pregnant!

On November 24th, I went in for my third doctors appointment. My mom and Josh went this time! I didn't realize it was just going to be a doctors appointment; I was thinking that it was also an ultrasound, so I thought I was going to be finding out Peanut's sex that day! Josh and my mom heard the heartbeat for the first time! It was still healthy! When I asked about an ultrasound, they said they only do ultrasounds any other day besides the weekend and Wednesday's, and we went in on a Wednesday. But I was told I'd find out in four weeks when I was twenty weeks pregnant! I was weighed (forgot weight) and had my finger pricked; I don't remember why. I was sixteen weeks pregnant!

December 1st, I felt a little popping sensation in my belly! It was the first time I ever felt my Peanut move! Sadly Josh wasn't there to experience it with me, but I was told that he wouldn't have felt it anways. I was seventeen weeks pregnant!

December 22nd, I went in to get the ultrasound done to see what I was having; a boy or a girl! My mom took me, Josh couldn't make it. =[ But we only heard the heartbeat, which was still healthy. It turns out the lady at the front desk mixed up the dates and had me come on a Wednesday. I was crushed and disappointed! But my mom was awesome and said that she'd bring me back the next day to have the ultrasound done. Still, when we left I was in tears. I was twenty weeks pregnant!

December 23rd, I went back in for the ultrasound! My mom took me, of course, and Josh still couldn't make it. =[ But I found out what I was having! A BOY! I was so excited, and my mom was sweet enough to take me to Josh's before we left to go to her work so I could tell Josh in person. He was very happy too! We are naming our little man Sullivan Wyatt Smith! But I was also told that the placenta was low, down by my cervix, so I was put on pelvic rest; no sex, no orgasms, no penetration. I was told that if it didn't rise, I'd have to have a C-Section after I went into labor. I was twenty weeks and one day pregnant!

December 29th, I felt him actually kick for the first time ever! I was twenty-one weeks pregnant!

January 19th, I went in for a doctors appointment. I was weighed, and what I weighed was 136lbs! My god! Haha. Got to hear Sully's heartbeat, it was very healthy! I was twenty-four weeks pregnant!

January 21st, Sullivan started hiccuping for the first time! Oh wow, it's an amazing feeling to feel him doing so! I was twenty-four weeks and two days pregnant!

January 27th, I went in for an ultrasound appointment! My placenta rose all the way back up so now I can give birth vaginally; so excited! And Sullivan weighed two pounds already! He's weighing what other babies weigh at twenty-seven weeks, and I'm twenty-five. No change in the due date, its just his size. He was measurinng at twenty-five weeks. Our little man is going to be a chunky baby possibly! I was twenty-five weeks and one day pregnant!

February 9th, I am officially in the third trimester! Yay! I was twenty-seven weeks pregnant!

February 10th, Sullivan finally kicked at the sound of his daddy's voice! So adorable! I was twenty-seven weeks and one day pregnant!

February 16th, I went into the doctors for my glucose test. It sucked. >.< At the beginning, I had to drink this sugary, syrup tasting drink out of a small bottle; it tasted like a flat Sprite. I had to drink it within five minutes; near the end I almost threw up! I had to wait an hour before getting my blood drawn, and during that time I was weighed (146lbs!) and got to hear Sullivan's heartbeat! Still very healthy! I had to fill three tubes of my blood. After the appointment, let's just say, I was completely miserable. I was dizzy, tired, sweaty, and hungry! I was tested for Gestational Diabetes. I'll be getting a call in a few days to find out if I passed the one hour test or not. If I didn't, then I have to take a three hour one, where I'll get my blood drawn every hour! Oh boy! Let's hope I pass it! I was twenty-eight weeks pregnant!

And tomorrow, I go in to get the 3D/4D ultrasound done! So excited! My mom is taking me. Josh and his mom are going, and so is my older brother Gage. I can't wait!

To those who read this, wow! Lol. Sorry it's so long! But I will be updating on my pregnancy almost every week or when something happens.

-- Kristyn Webb
February 19th, 2011 at 01:59am