Gay Opinions.

I've been very curious today, so I browsed the web and looked at surveys.. Now, journalism is a delicate source in my opinion.

Person 1.

I asked a 21 year old Male: "I'm doing a survey on gay relationships and the criticism. What's your view on that?"

He responed. "The way I see it, any sexual relationship is simply love. There are so many worse things in the world than two people loving each other, and I can't do anything but accept peoples sexual choices. Everyones has their own preferences, and sexuality is about exploring our preferences and developing ourselves as individuals. Each person has their own path to love and personal development, and we shouldn't hinder them just because it's not the typical biological choice. There's a lot of prejudice around it, but no one seems to be able to give a good reason why. I think it's because we assume everyones straight. No one ever had to come out as straight or identify as straight, but we make people with other preferences come out. We've attached a stigma to it that I don't believe should be there."

I said, "Basically you think people are afraid of change? Afraid that the balance of the world would change abruptly if the public favored gayism?"

He said. "I think it's about people never exploring the real reasons behind social stigma. They just accept things as right or wrong. Like women shaving their hair is considered gauche. Does it REALLY affect their sexual appeal? No. But we attatch stigma to it. Is there REALLY anything wrong with being gay? Not at all. It's a personal exploration of self that affects no one but the people who have consented to it."

I said, "People are afriad of a difference? Is that what your saying?"

He said, "In the simplest terms, yes. If you grow up believing one thing, it's hard to accept anything else."

He's obviously a strong believer.
I think the world needs more of those.

That dude I talked to up there ^^ He's cool. He was a total stranger but we had the craziest conversation afterwords.
February 19th, 2011 at 07:30am