New Laura, I'm done.

I feel like... I'm drowning. In a pool of sucking water. Everytime something goes wrong, I go deeper. & when I try to get back up, it just keeps sucking me in... no way of getting out. I am sick & tired of everyones attitudes toward me. I'm just sick of everyone. So from now on there is going to be a new Laura. & not a good one. I'm not taking anyone's shit no more. I'm just done with it. They all can go burn in hell for all I care. That best friend I have? Yeah, she doesn't even act like herself anymore. & my other friends? They have a changed so much, & I just wish I could find new friends. I need a new croud, or something. I'm sick & tired of everyones bullshit. I'm just seriously done. You wanna talk shit bout me? Go ahead, I don't give a fuck no more. You can go suck one. Okay? I'm done here, bye bullshitters.
February 19th, 2011 at 04:17pm