I am a fangirl...and I love every second of it.

Today, after breakfast with the fam, my older brother was looking through the MTV music channels and decided on MTV Jams, which is rap and hiphop. Then, he went to the next channel and on comes But Its Better If You do (the part when everyone's running *squeal*). I started screaming and he refused to turn it back. So, desperately, I ran to my parents room and put it on. But it wasn't there. So, I let the tears come as I sang the song and then my dad told me to go join everyone again. So I did. Then, I stole the remote and guess what came on? THAT GREEN GENTLEMAN. I sang along to every word, followed by Nine In The Afternoon (live) and That Green Gentleman (live as well). Commercial comes on and I'm expecting another song because it was all P!ATD. But here comes this other band and I'm just staring at the TV in disbelief. That...was how my morning went.(:

p.s. Anyone else order the Deluxe V&V box set?
February 19th, 2011 at 10:59pm