Wonderwall: I'm Jade and You're Sebastian

So... I just threw up in my mouth a little, I think.

I am very much into father's rights, and am extremely glad that she is giving you an option in all of this, but after this, I'm not sure if I still believe in father's rights when it comes to fetus'. I suppose I was just looking at the fathers who want to keep their babies, and not those who don't... I suppose we can't give the rights to some and not to others, as much as I would love that...

I kind of hope that she refuses your idea of an abortion, but at the same time, I don't. I don't want you to have to deal with that at age seventeen. You are way too young, and I dare say immature, to even consider raising a baby at this point in your life. She's not even as grown up as you, so I can hardly say that she's any better equipped.

I promise that I'm not going to ditch out on you whatever happens. You're still my friend, and a damn good one at that. I still like you, even if you end up a Daddy, or if you end up not being one... It's interesting how I'm not even the one who might be a parent, and yet I'm still overcome with all these opinions, emotions, and confusion. I think I may go read The Nature Of Jade again; I think I might be able to read a little bit more into it now...

I don't know what else to say besides that I think I had a nightmare like this once.
February 21st, 2011 at 06:15am