3D Ultrasound And Delivery

I got the 3D ultrasound done Saturday, February 19th! Oh, my little man is so handsome, just like his daddy! I teared up when I first saw him. He is a chunky baby, no doubt about that. Lol. Josh was there of course, he held my hand and said that it was an amazing experience being able to actually see his son. My mom was there, and so was Josh's mom. Such a good day, except for me feeling sick after. Haha. Josh's mom bought me a belly cast kit from the place, so soon we'll hopefully get that done!

As for me feeling sick, I think it was because of the breakfast at McDonalds and then having the little wand stick pressing down on my belly. Or it could just be that the breakfast didn't sit well in my stomach. Lol.

Afterwards, we went to my grandma's to show her the DVD and pictures. As always, she wasn't enthusiastic. So I decided (and my mom is going to tell her) that she will not be in the delivery room when I deliver. I don't need that kind of negativity around me when it comes time for Sullivan to arrive. Plus, with her and Josh in the same room, I know she's just going to have an attitude and whatnot. She does not like Josh, just because my cousin doesn't like him. Why? I have no clue. He's never done anything. I know it's making Josh uncomfortable knowing that she'll be in there, and I don't want him being quiet, I want him to be comforting me and supporting me. So no to my grandma being there! The people that I want in there when I give birth are Josh, my mom, and his mom.

Then after her house, my mom dropped me off at Josh's, where I stayed all weekend. It made me so happy finally being able to cuddle with him and have him kiss my belly! I almost stayed again tonight, but he has to work nine at night to five in the morning, and I don't want to be stuck in the room all night! But he is hopefully coming over tomorrow until Friday!

If you want to see the ultrasound pictures, just tell me and I'll message them to you! =]

-- Kristyn Webb
February 21st, 2011 at 04:16pm